
パスワードを忘れてしまいました。/I forgot my password.
「BROS. +」ログインページ内、「パスワードを忘れた方はこちら」より、パスワードの再発行手続きを行なって下さい。




Please reset your password via "Forgot your password?" on the BROS.+ login page. Please note that the password reset page is different for users who have their [A!-ID linked] and [A!-ID not linked].

▼ Users who have linked their A!-ID
If you select [A!-ID linked], you will go to the password reset screen on the A!-ID website. Please complete the password reset process there.
If there is anything unclear during the reset process, please check [Help] on the A!-ID website.

▼ Users who have not linked their A!-ID
Please select [A!-ID not linked], then enter your membership number and the email address your registered with BROS.+ and send them.
You will be sent an email with a temporary password and a link for resetting your password, so please use those to set a new password.
*Please always configure your settings to be able to receive email from the [@amuse.co.jp] domain.
*The password reset process requires that your membership number and email address match those registered with BROS.+.

Additionally, if the email address registered with BROS.+ has changed, please complete the update process. We apologize for the inconvenience. For instructions of how to update it, please refer to [Q: I cannot reset my password.]
