
A!-ID連携ができません。/I cannot link my A!-ID.



②ログイン後、MY PAGEへ



To link your A!-ID, please follow the steps below. Depending on where you are stuck in the process, the guidance may differ, so please read carefully.

① Select [Membership Number] on the login form, and enter your login information (membership number and password)
If you enter your login information (membership number and password) and get an error, please check here (Q: I cannot log in).

② After login, you will go to MY PAGE

③ Link your A!-ID from the A!-ID linking page.

* If you get an error after entering your existing A!-ID and password in the [For those who have an A!-ID] section, please make sure you can log in to the A!-ID site. If you can log in, you should be able to perform the A!-ID linkage process with the same A!-ID and password, so please double-check them.
* If you try to sign up for a new A!-ID in the [For those who don’t have an A!-ID] section and see a message that says “This email address is already registered” and can’t sign up, please see here (Q: When I entered my A!-ID to join as a new member, I got a message saying “This A!-ID (email address) is already linked with BROS.+” or “This email address is already registered with BROS.+” and I couldn’t continue with my application).
* If you cannot sign up for a new A!-ID, please see “Q: I get an error when signing up for a new A!-ID membership” in the [Help] section of the A!-ID site.
* For how to link with Fukuyama Masaharu Mobile, please see here (Q: I’m also a member of Fukuyama Masaharu Mobile, but I want to link it with the same A!-ID as BROS.+).

