
A!-ID連携を行なったのに会員限定サイトTOPに【A!-ID未連携】と表示されています。/I have linked my account with A!-ID, but it still shows "[A!-ID not linked]" on the top page of the member's site.



If you have completed the linking of your BROS.+ and A!-ID account but "[A!-ID not linked]" still appears on the top page of the member's site, please try the following:

(1) Reload the page
(2) Log out once and then log back into the member's site

If the A!-ID display is not updated even after trying the above, it may be due to the browser cache on your device interfering with the page transition.
Please clear your browser cache and log in again to check if the member's site display is updated.
※The method to clear the browser cache may vary depending on your device and browser, so please check it yourself.

