

●MEMBER’S PASS(デジタル会員証)






●会員限定コンテンツ「MY COLLECTION」をご利用いただくにはA Walletの作成(無料)が必要です。 A Walletの作成・詳細はこちら


NOA オフィシャルファンクラブ「NOANA」会員規約

(注) この「NOAオフィシャルファンクラブ「NOANA」会員規約」は、当社が提供するサービスについて、会員(第2条第1項に定義します。)の権利及び義務並びに契約の条件及び制限を規定するものですので、注意深くお読みください。特に、この会員規約は、日本法に準拠しており(第15条)、また、本サービスに関する紛争解決はすべての抵触法原則に優先して東京地方裁判所が専属合意管轄裁判所であるため(第15条)、会員の現地法での権利(陪審員裁判を受ける権利やクラスアクションの権利を含みます。)が制限されることにご留意ください。加えて、会員が未成年者である場合には、親権者の同意なくして、本サービスを利用することはできません(第4条第8項)。

第1条 目的

第2条 本規約の適用範囲
2.会員は、当社が制定する「A!-IDサービス利用規約」(以下「A!-ID規約」といいます。)に基づき登録した電子メールアドレス(以下「A!-ID」といいます。)を当社所定の方法により登録しなければ、本サービスを利用することはできません。また、会員は、当社が制定する「A Wallet利用規約」に基づきウォレット(以下「本ウォレット」といいます。)1個を開設のうえ保有しなければ、本サービスのうち(会員特典を含む)一部のサービスを利用することができません。なお、A!-IDの登録及び本ウォレットの発行手数料は無料です。

第3条 本規約の変更

第4条 本サービスの利用等

第5条 会費

第6条 本サービスに関する注意事項
3.当社は、会員に対し、有償又は無償で、一定の会員特典(例 本アーティストが出演する公演等のチケットを一般販売に先行して販売される場合(以下「先行販売」といいます。)に当該先行販売(抽選販売になる場合があります。)に申し込む権利や当会又は本アーティストに関するNFTを含むデジタルデータ(以下「本データ」といいます。)を受け取る権利を含みます。)を付与する場合があります。この場合、当社は、当社の裁量により、会員特典その他の便益を受け取るべき会員を決定する手続又は基準を決定することができます。会員は、当社が決定するかかる手続及び基準について異議を申し立てることはできません。当社は、かかる手続又は基準を決定した場合(本ウォレットを保有していることが必須条件の1つとなることがありえます。)には、本サイト上に表示します。なお、当社は、会員に対し、上記のような便益を付与する義務を負うものではありません。
8.公演等の会場で当社又は当社が委託する者が、会員に対しMEMBER’S PASS及び本人確認書類の提示を求めることがあります。会員がこれに応じない場合や提示することができない場合や、登録名義と本人確認書類の名義が異なる場合は、入場をお断りし、公演等の会場より退出していただく場合があります。この場合、会員は公演等のチケット代金の払戻しやその他の賠償請求をすることはできません。
19.当社は、会員特典その他本サービスを予告なく変更することがあります。ただし、会員に重要な影響を与える場合には、 事前に相当な期間をおいて周知します。

第7条 ポイントサービス

第8条 禁止行為
(9) 本サービス及び本サイトに関し、コピー、ダウンロード、ストリームキャプチャ、複製、複写、アーカイブ保管、配信、公衆送信可能化、アップロード、公開、変更、改変、翻訳、放映、表示、販売、送信もしくは再送信することにより著作権その他の一切の権利を侵害する行為
(10) 本サービス及び本サイトをハードウェアやソフトウェアに違法又は不正に取り込んだり又はかかるハードウェアもしくはソフトウェアによって本サイトにおいて配信されるコンテンツをストリーム配信もしくは再送信したりすること並びにフレーム又はインラインリンクすることによってこれらの利用を可能にする行為

第9条 会員資格の終了

第10条 本規約に反する行為に対する措置

第11条 本サービスの一時停止・中断・廃止

第12条 個人情報の取扱い

第13条 損害賠償

第14条 免責事項、責任制限

第15条 紛争の解決

第16条 言語

附則(制定) 本規約は2023年3月13日より制定施行します。

NOA オフィシャルファンクラブ 「NOANA」

NOA OFFICIAL FANCLUB “NOANA” Membership Terms of Use

Please read these NOA OFFICIAL FANCLUB “NOANA” Membership Terms of Use carefully as they stipulate the rights and obligations of Members (defined in Article 2.1) and the terms and restrictions of contracts regarding the services to be provided by the Company. In particular, these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Japan (see Article 15) and the Tokyo District Court has exclusive jurisdiction in priority to all applicable principles of conflict of laws with respect to any dispute resolution regarding the Service (see Article 15). Please note that your rights (including the right to a jury trial and the right to class action) under local law are restricted. Also, if the Member is a minor, the consent of a person with parental authority or a guardian is required when that Member uses the Service (see Article 4.8).

Article 1 Purpose

“NOANA” (the “Membership”), which is administered by Amuse Inc. (the “Company”), shall consist of Members (defined in Article 2.1) who support NOA (the “Artist”) and its purpose shall be to support the Artist.

Article 2 Scope of Application of these Terms of Use

  1.  These NOA OFFICIAL FANCLUB “NOANA” Membership Terms of Use (these “Terms of Use”) apply to those (each such person, the “Member” or “You”) who use the service under the Membership (the “Service”).
  2. You can use the Services only after registering your email address (“A!-ID”) that You have registered in accordance with the “A!-ID Terms of Use” (the “A!-ID Terms”) prescribed by the Company in the manner specified by the Company. Further, You cannot use part of services (including members’ benefits) among the Services unless You have created and do retain a wallet (a “Wallet”) in accordance with the “A Wallet Terms of Use” prescribed by the Company. There is no issuance fee for Your A!-ID or Wallet.
  3. The Member shall be treated as though he or she has accepted these Terms of Use at the time he or she applied for the Membership. However, any use by a Member of services provided on a website operated by another company that is linked to the official website of the Membership (the “Website”) is subject to the provisions of the terms of use of that website and other standard terms and conditions of that other company rather than these Terms of Use.
  4. The Member shall be treated as though he or she has accepted the Privacy Policy displayed by the Company on the Website.

Article 3 Amendments to these Terms of Use

  1. The Service constitutes a “standard transaction” prescribed in Article 548-2, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code of Japan and these Terms of Use constitute a “standard form contract” prescribed in that paragraph. The Company may amend these Terms of Use without notice to the Member under the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code of Japan by making: (1) the fact that these Terms of Use are to be amended, (2) the contents of these Terms of Use after the amendment, and (3) the timing of that amendment taking effect, known on the Website or by another appropriate method (together, the “Website, etc.").
  2. If any revisions in the preceding paragraph will have a significant impact on the Members, the Company shall inform the Members with a reasonable period in advance.

Article 4 Use of the Service

  1. Your status as a Member (the “Member Status”) shall be valid for one year from and including the month immediately following the month during which You duly paid Your Annual Fees, etc. (defined in Article 5.1).
  2. If the Company judges that any of the following items applies to a person (the “Applicant”) who has applied for the Membership, it will not approve use of the Service by that Applicant or it will retain the right to revoke the approval of the Applicant to the Membership even after such approval or having treated the Applicant as a Member:
(1) If the Applicant/Member makes an application for registration for the Service with an error or omission or if the Applicant/Member otherwise makes an application by a method that is not a method prescribed by the Company;

(2) If the Applicant/Member makes an application for use of the Service for the purpose of transferring or reselling its right to use the Service or an admission ticket to concerts or events (together, “Concerts, etc.”) to a third party or it is believed that is likely;

(3) If it is judged that the Applicant/Member is a corporation or another organization;

(4) If the Applicant/Member belongs to an organized crime group, an enterprise or group related to an organized crime group, or another antisocial organization or if it is reasonably judged that the Applicant/Member is an organized crime group member or a person who has a close relationship with any such person;

(5) If the Applicant/Member is a person who is designated as being subject to economic sanctions by the Japanese government or a foreign government, a resident of a country or region that is designated as being subject to economic sanctions by the Japanese government or a foreign government, or it is reasonably judged that the Applicant/Member is a person who has a close relationship with any such person;

(6) If the Applicant/Member does not exist or it is suspected the Applicant/Member does not exist;

(7) If it is found that that Applicant/Member committed a violation of any terms of use stipulated by the Company in the past;

(8) If there is a false statement in the contents of the application;

(9) If it is found that the Applicant/Member has applied for a registration or use of the Service based on information that he or she unjustly obtained; or

(10) If the Company judges that the application by the Applicant/Member is otherwise inappropriate.

  1. One Member Status may only be approved per person and duplicate Membership registrations using duplicate identities, other persons’ names or false identities shall not be approved.
  2. In the event that the Company so requests, the Member shall provide Company, within the period specified by the Company, with materials to verify the information (together with the Membership number that the Company issues, “Registered Information”) that such Member registered with the Company for the use of the Service.
  3. The Member shall be able to receive members’ benefits and otherwise use the Service only if all conditions that the Company may specify on the Website are satisfied.
  4. The Member must use the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use and the precautions, etc. stipulated by the Company and displayed on the Website.
  5. The Company shall notify the Member of the necessary matters regarding the Service by displaying them on the Website, etc., and it will be deemed that the Company has notified the Member of the necessary matters by that method.
  6. If the Member is a minor, the Member must obtain the consent of a person with parental authority, guardian, or other custodian (“Person With Parental Authority”) when using the Service (including registering the Wallet and individual transactions related to using the Service, hereinafter the same in this paragraph), and it will be deemed that the consent of a Person With Parental Authority has been obtained under laws applicable to the Member at the time of the application for registration of the Service. In that case, the Person With Parental Authority will be deemed to have consented to the contents of these Terms of Use and the use of the Service at the time of the Member’s registration with the Service.

Article 5 Membership Fee

  1. A Member must pay his or her annual fee, commissions including handling commissions (if any) and appliable consumption tax thereon (together, the “Annual Fees, etc.”) for the coming year in one installment.
  2. In the event that the Company provides the Members with services for which fees other than the Annual Fees, etc. are payable, it shall specify the amount of such fees and the method of payment on the Website.
  3. Annual Fees, etc. that have been paid by a Member shall not be repaid, returned or refunded except where there is willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  4. Annual Fees, etc. or considerations for Members-only goods or services that have been paid by a member shall not be repaid, returned or refunded in the event that a Member has applied for, or a renewal for, the Member Status in duplicate.
  5. In the event that a Member wishes to obtain the Member Status or to renew the same, he or she must take the following procedures (provided that, in the event of a renewal, either Item (2) or Item (3) is sufficient):
(1) In the event of a new registration, he or she must complete the registration process in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website; in this case, the Member’s obligations to pay the Annual Fees, etc. in the prescribed manner shall be definite, final and binding once the said process has been completed and, after that point, it may not be cancelled and such obligations that have so become definite, final and binding will not diminish or be affected even in the event that the Member withdraws his or her registration;
(2) In the event of a renewal of registration, he or she must complete the renewal process in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website prior to the expiration of the Member Status; in this case, the Member’s obligations to pay the Annual Fees, etc. for the coming year in the prescribed manner shall become definite, final and binding once the said process has been completed and, after that point of time, it may not be cancelled and such obligations that have so become definite, final and binding will not diminish or be affected even in the event that the Member withdraws the renewal of his or her Member Status; and
(3) In the event of a renewal of registration, he or she must complete the automatic renewal process in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website by three months prior to the expiration of the Member Status; in this case, the Member’s obligations to pay the Annual Fees, etc. for the coming year in the prescribed manner shall become definite, final and binding on the first calendar day of the month during which the Member Status expires and, after that point of time, the renewal may not be cancelled and such obligations that have so become definite, final and binding will not diminish or be affected even in the event that the Member withdraws the renewal of his or her Member Status. Every Member is hereby expressly urged to check the Website if it says his or her initial setting in the account is automatic renewal of the Member Status. Regardless of the initial setting, if a Member’s setting is automatic renewal (either due to his or her initial setting or his or her subsequent selection of the setting), then such setting as well as this Item (3) shall apply in subsequent years and subsequent renewals unless he or she terminates the setting of automatic renewal by the end of the month immediately preceding the month during which his or her Member Status expires, in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website.
  1. After the obligation to pay the Annual Fees, etc. have become definite, final and binding pursuant to the immediately preceding paragraph, the Members must pay the same in the prescribed manner and if such payment is not performed by the prescribed deadline, the Member Status shall not be granted or (as the case may be) renewed.
  2. The Membership may, due to its administration circumstances or otherwise, change the amount of the annual fees or commissions including handling commissions. In such event, the Company shall make the related matters known on the Website beforehand.
  3. The Annual Fees, etc. that the Membership specifies on the Website shall involve applicable tax, and in the event that the tax amount is amended, Members must pay the tax as amended together with the Annual Fees, etc. In the event that the tax amount is amended due to tax law changes whereas the Fees, etc. (excluding tax) are not amended, the Membership may choose not to make known to the Members such amendment.

Article 6 Precautions Regarding the Service

  1. In the event that a Member uses services via websites administered by other companies, such Member shall be treated as though he or she has accepted that he or she is required to take necessary procedures separately prescribed by such third parties in order to use such services, even when the Service has been linked from the Website.
  2. The Member shall be treated as though he or she has accepted that in connection with the use of the Service, such Member may not be able to use all or part of the Service (including but not limited to not being able to enjoy the members’ benefits of which You can find a few examples in the immediately following paragraph) due to his or her location or other restrictions.
  3. The Company may grant the Members with certain members’ benefits (including rights to apply for sales (“Advanced Sales”) of tickets (where winders may be selected by drawing) for Concerts, etc. where the Artist appears before they are sold to the public or for digital data (“Digital Data”) relating to the Artist including NFTs), for a fee or without charge. In such event, the Company may, at its discretion, prescribe procedures and/or criteria to determine the Members who will in fact receive such benefits including members’ benefits. The Members may not object to such procedures and/or criteria. The Company shall specify such procedures and/or criteria (where having the Wallet may be one of the requirements) on the Website once they are determined. It is hereby expressly noted that the Company does not owe any obligation to grant such interest.
  4. In the event that the Company is to create or deliver Digital Data to a Member pursuant to the Member’s request, if the Company in its sole discretion judges that responding to the Member’s request to create or deliver Digital Data to him or her may infringe a third party’s rights or interest, the Company may decline such request or, if the Company has accepted such request, it may retract such acceptance.
  5. It is the Member’s responsibility to obtain, at his or her cost, telecommunication devices, software and other equipment that is necessary for such Member to use the Service or the Website. Further, the Member himself or herself needs to take necessary steps (including entering into contracts such as that for telecommunication and making payments for related fees) in order to use the Service or the Website.
  6. The Member may not revoke the application for the use of the Service due to unavailability of all or part of the Service and may not request for a refund of money that he or she has paid to the Company. Further, in the event that the Member’s obligation to pay money has been finalized pursuant to the Service, such as when he or she has won a ticket for a Concert, etc. where the Artist is to appear, such Member shall be required to pay the relevant money and such finalized obligation shall not extinguish even though such Member has cancelled or revoked his or her application for the Service.
  7. The Member shall be treated as though he or she has accepted that, depending on Concerts, etc., there may be restrictions on applications for Advanced Sales, that there is no guarantee that they will receive favorite seats (if at all), and that not all Concerts, etc. will qualify for Advanced Sales.
  8. At the venue of the Concerts, etc., the Company and/or its third-party delegate may request the Member to produce his or her MEMBER’S PASS and identification documents. In the event that the Member refused to follow such request or is unable to do so in a timely manner, or if his or her registered identity does not match the identity shown on such documents, he or she may be refused to enter the venue or be expelled therefrom. In such event, such Member may not be able to claim for any damages including but not limited to any refund for the ticket for the Concerts, etc.
  9. Rights under the Service on which a deadline has been set by the Company shall automatically extinguish on the expiration of the deadline (including a case where the Member never checked the Website before the deadline expired).
  10. In the event that the Member has failed, for reasons such as his or her absence, to receive postal mail such as a ticket for which the event date is specified until after a significant date such as the specified event date, all rights or interest as regards such postal mail shall be permanently null and void and the Company shall not be liable for any consequence.
  11. The Member may use the rights in the registered A!-ID, password, Registered Information, the Member Status, Points (defined in Article 7.1) and all rights under these Terms of Use only for himself or herself and may not use any of those rights on behalf of a third party or transfer any of those rights to a third party, create a security interest over those rights, or allow a third party to use or inherit those rights regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge. The Member may not transfer, lend, or bequeath the Wallet to a third party (including another Member) and may not share the Wallet with a third party (including another Member).
  12. Only the Member may use the Service and a third party other than the Member (including another Member) may not use the Service on behalf of the Member. Even if there is an incident concerning the Wallet such as unauthorized use of the Wallet by a third party, the Company will not be obligated to take measures such as providing cooperation for creating a new Wallet or suspending that function of the Wallet. Further, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company with respect to such an incident, the Company will not be liable for any damage incurred by the Member.
  13. Even if there is a person who claims to have obtained interest such as members’ benefits from a Member who was duly granted such benefits or who claims to have received the Wallet, the Company may choose not to treat that person as a Member, but may treat the person who was granted the interest such as members’ benefits by the Company or a third party designated by the Company or who applied for registration of the Wallet as the Member.
  14. The Member must manage and use Registered Information at his or her own risk and expense. Any use of the Service involving Registered Information shall be treated as use by the Member who registered such Registered Information. The Company shall not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the maintenance or use by the Member of Registered Information.
  15. In the event that there is a change to Registered Information, the Member shall take steps prescribed by the Company to update his or her Registered Information, although only with respect to such Registered Information, other than the date of birth and name (not including the family name), that the Company has specified as amendable, promptly and accordingly. The Company shall not be responsible for any notice or postal materials that did not reach the Member due to the failure by the Member of the said actions or for any disadvantage including any loss of opportunities of the Member to use the Service such as receiving any members’ benefits, in each case, that is caused by the failure by the Member to take the said actions. The Member may contact the Membership by contacting the contact specified under these Terms of Use.
  16. The Company reserves the right to cancel or revoke the granting of members’ benefits or other use of the Service even after the Company granted the Member a members’ benefit or otherwise acknowledged the use of the Service in the event that the Company determines appropriate such as when transactions underlying the granting of benefits or other use of the Service have been terminated.
  17. If there is a separate agreement between the Member and a third party (including a crypto asset handling business, credit card company, or collection agency with respect to the use of the Service), the Member shall follow the provisions of that agreement and the Company will not be liable in any way for that agreement.
  18. The Member must use the Service at his or her own responsibility and expense and must not cause any damage or inconvenience to the Company with respect to any act conducted by the Member in connection with the use of the Service and the outcome of that act.
  19. The Company may amend the Service including any members’ benefits involved without prior notice; provided that the Company shall inform the Members within a reasonable period in advance in the event that any revisions will have a significant impact on the Members.

Article 7 Points Service

  1. “A!-POINT” is a points service (the “Points Service”) that the Company provides in accordance with the A!-ID Terms. The Service qualifies for the Points Service and the Member may use the Points Service under this Service and under other services (the “Designated A!-Point Services”) that qualify for the Points Service. A!-POINTS that will be granted to a Member under the Points Service shall hereinafter be called “Points”.
  2. The A!-ID Terms shall govern the terms of the Points Service and other regulations regarding the Points Service.
  3. The Membership will grant Points for the Member when the Member has completed his or her registration or (as the case may be) renewal of Member Status in accordance with manners prescribed by the Membership or in any other circumstances that the Membership acknowledges as appropriate (together, “Qualified Transactions”). Commissions such as handling commissions related to registrations or renewals shall not accrue Points.
  4. The Membership shall determine the Qualified Transactions, rates of granted Points and other terms relating to the Points and shall specify the same on the Website, etc. It is hereby noted that terms that are specified on the Website, etc., rates of granted Points and the expiration dates of the Points granted may vary depending on Qualified Transactions.
  5. The Member may not cash in granted Points.
  6. In the event that the Member has not redeemed Points at Designated A!-Point Services until after the prescribed expiration date of the Points, those Points shall automatically diminish.
  7. In the event that the Membership judges, after it has granted Points for the Member, that the Member falls under any of the following, the Membership may, without notice to the Member, cancel all or part of the relevant Points:
(1) he or she violates or violated in the past any regulations, warnings, etc. (including these Terms of Use) prescribed by the Company relating to the Service or other services that the Company provides;
(2) he or she engages in any illegal or unjust acts; or
(3) the Membership otherwise judges appropriate.
  1. The Membership shall not compensate the Member for any Points that have been cancelled or have diminished shall not be liable for any consequence.
  2. The Member may redeem Points that he or she holds at the rate of one Point being equivalent of one Japanese yen, as regards payments of all or part of annual fees and handling commissions in registrations or renewals of his or her Member Status.
  3. The Point Service constitutes a “standard transaction” prescribed in Article 548-2, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code of Japan and the A!-ID Terms constitute a “standard form contract” prescribed in that paragraph. The Company may amend these A!-ID Terms without notice to the Member under the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code of Japan by making: (1) the fact that the A!-ID Terms are to be amended, (2) the contents of the A!-ID Terms after the amendment, and (3) the timing of that amendment taking effect, known on the Website, etc. If any of above amendments will have a significant impact on the Members, the Company shall inform the Members with a reasonable period in advance.

Article 8 Prohibited Acts

The Member may not conduct any act set out in the following items or any act that is likely to constitute any of those acts when using the Service or after use of the Service is complete:
(1) Any act that is against the purpose set forth in Article 1;
(2) Auctioning the A!-ID, the Wallet, any right to apply for a ticket prior to sale to the public as granted under members’ benefits or other interest, any ticket, any goods, or any other rights based on the Member Status, whether for a fee or free of charge, or selling any of those on a ticket shop or secondary distribution market or another market (including those on the Internet) to a third party, or buying, assigning, lending or borrowing, or creating or receiving a pledge or other security interest on any of those;
(3) Sale, purchase or transfer of Registered Information, use of a fictitious name or unjust amendment of the Member identity;
(4) Allowing unspecified or many people to use the Service, regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge, and regardless of the means by which that is allowed;
(5) Allowing another person to use the Service for profit, regardless of whether that is for unspecified or many people;
(6) Using the Service by using information registered by a third party as information;
(7) Allowing Registered Information to be disclosed or provided to another person or disclosing or providing that information to another person regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge and regardless of the means by which that information is disclosed or provided;
(8) Deleting, altering, diverting, invalidating, obstructing, or avoiding any indication related to patent rights, utility model rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or other rights related to the Service, the Website, digital rights management (DRM) related to the Service and the Website, any means for the protection of contents, or any means for access control (including a geo-filtering mechanism);
(9) Infringing rights by copying, downloading, stream capturing, reproducing, duplicating, archiving, distributing, making publicly transmittable, uploading, disclosing, altering, modifying, translating, broadcasting, displaying, selling, transmitting, or retransmitting in connection with the Service and the Website or conducting an act that otherwise infringes copy rights or any other rights related to the Service and the Website;
(10) Unlawfully embedding or embedding without authorization the Service and the Website in hardware or software or streaming or retransmitting contents distributed on the Website using that hardware or software, or conducting any act that makes it possible to use those contents with frames or inline links;
(11) Accessing the Company’s network or server without authorization, conducting an act that puts an unreasonable or excessive burden on the Company’s network or server, or conducting any similar act;
(12) Installing or executing a virus or other program or file in an information terminal, network device, or system managed by the Company or a third party that inhibits the proper operation of that information terminal, network device, or system, interferes with or controls the operation of that information terminal, network device, or system, or accesses, obtains, or damages data;
(13) Conducting any business using the Service or any acts similar thereto or political or religious activities;
(14) Conducting an act that is offensive towards the Company or a third party (including another Member, the Artist and an affiliate of the Company, or a business partner of any such affiliate) (the Artist, the Company, an affiliate of the Company, or a business partner of any such affiliate, collectively, the “Company, etc.”) or that violates public policy due to any sexual, obscene, violent, insulting, or discriminatory speech or behavior;
(15) Following the Artist, requesting the Artist to allow You to contact or meet the Artist, requesting the Company, etc. to allow You to contact or meet the Artist, repeatedly making unnecessary queries or requests of the Company, etc. or conducting other acts that could hinder any business of the Company, etc. or the operation of the Membership;
(16) Unauthorized duplication, reproduction or distribution of materials or interest such as members’ benefits or texts, audio data, illustrations, images, movies, contents, the Digital Data and other data and other unauthorized acts that could damage rights or interest of the Company, etc.;
(17) Conducting an act that infringes on or damages a patent right, utility model right, copyright, trademark, other property right, likeness right, privacy, reputation, credibility, or other right of the Company, etc.;
(18) Conducting any other act that is or is likely to be in violation of these Terms of Use or any other rules or precautions stipulated by the Company; and
(19) Conducting any other act that the Company considers inappropriate.

Article 9 Termination of Member Status

  1. In the event that the Member falls under or the Company judges any of the following items, the Company may terminate the Member Status of the Member:
(1) The Member’s Member Status shall automatically terminate if the Member does not complete procedures under Article 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.
(2) If any of the Member’s Registered Information proves to be false;
(3) If it is found that that Member was in the past expelled from any of the services operated by the Company, etc.;
(4) If the Service is terminated pursuant to the immediately following Article; or
(5) If the Company determines appropriate.
  1. Even if a Member loses his or her Member Status prior to the (original) expiration date, money (if any) paid by the Member to the Company shall not be refunded, nor shall there be any adjustment of the money (if any) paid by the Member to the Company in proportion to the actual number of days during which the Member was in fact a Member and the number of days between the date he or she became a Member and the (original) expiration date, nor shall any payment obligation on the part of the Member that has been finalized extinguish by virtue of the fact that such Member loses the Member Status.

Article 10 Measures Against Violations of These Terms of Use

The Company reserves the right to terminate or restrict the use of the Service or to rescind the use of the Service by the Member at any time without giving prior notice and without owing any liability if the Member conducts an act that is in violation of these Terms of Use or any other rules established by the Company, etc. or that the Company considers inappropriate.

Article 11 Temporary Discontinuance, Suspension, and Cancellation of the Service

  1. The Company might temporarily discontinue or suspend the provision of the Service by informing the Members on the Website, etc. due to system maintenance, an inspection, or a similar reason.
  2. The provision of the Service may terminate if a system malfunction occurs or another unexpected situation arises due to a natural disaster, power failure, interference by a third party, or other similar event.
  3. The Company might discontinue the Service at its own discretion. In that case, the Company will inform the Members as in advance as possible on the Website.

Article 12 Handling of Personal Information

  1. The Company might disclose personal information to a business partner, partner company, or subcontractor that has executed a confidentiality agreement with the Company for the purpose of executing the Service (including but not limited to operations for the delivery operations, settlement-related operations with credit cards companies, ticketing operations and the creation of the Wallet).
  2. The Company shall manage personal information received from the Member in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the official website. The same applies even if the Member is located outside of Japan.

Article 13 Damages

  1. If the Company, etc. incurs damage in connection with the use of the Service due to an event that is attributable to the Member, the Member must provide compensation for that damage.
  2. If the Member receives a complaint or claim from a third party (including another Member) in connection with the use of the Service or a dispute arises between the Member and a third party (including another Member), that Member must resolve that matter at his or her own responsibility and expense.

Article 14 Disclaimer and Exemptions

  1. The following items apply to the Company.
(1) The Company shall not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage that a Member incurs and shall not be obliged to refund any Annual Fees, etc. or any monetary value that has been received by the Company from the Member or has come to belong to the Company, in connection with the use of the Service unless there has been willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
(2) The Company does not explicitly or implicitly represent or warrant that there is no factual or legal defect (including any defect, error, bug, or infringement of rights related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, efficacy, fitness for a particular purpose, or security) in the Service and the Website.
(3) The Company does not owe an obligation to provide the Service to the Member by repairing any defects described in the preceding item.
(4) The Company might temporarily suspend, discontinue, or change the provision of the Service at its discretion without giving prior notice to the Member, and it is deemed that each Member has agreed to that in advance.
(5) The Company will not be liable with respect to any damage or loss incurred by a Member due to a temporary suspension, discontinuation, or change to the provision of the Service under the preceding item. In particular, the Company shall bear no responsibility and shall not make any compensation in the event that a Member ceases to use the Service or cancels a part of the Service and, as a result, becomes unable to use all or a material part of the Service.
(6) In the event that the Company deems it unfeasible to continue the Membership, whether due to the Artist’s activities circumstances or other circumstances, the Company may at its sole discretion dissolve all or part of the Membership, without being responsible for any consequence, regardless of the reason for dissolution. In such event, the Company shall return or refund the annual fees in proportion to the number of moths between and including the month immediately following the month during which the Membership is dissolved and the remaining number of months to the expiration of the Member Status but shall not refund any other moneys (such as commissions including the handling commissions) that the Company has received from the Members.
(7) The Company will not be liable to the Member with respect to any damage incurred by the Member in connection with the use of the Service, damage suffered by the Member due to unauthorized access by a third party to any equipment or system necessary for the provision of the Service, the temporary suspension or a restriction on use of the Service, or an amendment to these Terms of Use or cancellation of these Terms of Use or transactions under these Terms of Use, or damage suffered by the Member due to a dispute between the Member and a third party unless that is due to the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company.
(8) The Company will not be liable even if it becomes impossible to provide the Service due to a natural disaster, heavy rainfall or heavy snowfall, war, terrorism, cyber terrorism, power failure, bug in a computer or network, spread of an infectious disease, establishment, revision, or abolition of any law or regulation, change in interpretation of any law or regulation, or any other event that is beyond the control of the Company.
  1. If the Company is liable to the Member for damages in connection with the Service, the total amount of the liability owed by the Company and relevant persons of the Company will be limited to 100% of the total amount paid directly to the Company by the Member to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. If applicable law does not allow the above limitation of liability to apply to the Member in whole or in part, then the limitation of liability will apply to the Member only to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

Article 15 Resolution of Disputes

These Terms of Use and the use of the Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The parties agree that the Tokyo District Court has exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance in priority to all applicable principles of conflict of laws with respect to any dispute regarding these Terms of Use or the Service.

Article 16 Language

  1. If an English version of these Terms of Use is prepared, that will be prepared as a reference translation only. If there is any discrepancy between the Japanese version and the English version, the Japanese version will prevail. The fact that the Company has prepared an English version of these Terms of Use does not mean or imply that the Company will prepare English versions of other documents regarding the Service.
  2. The Company does not owe an obligation to prepare any notice, documents, publication, information, guidance, precaution, announcement and regulations (together, “Notice, etc.”) in any language other than the Japanese language. Further, in the event that the Company at its discretion makes any Notice, etc. in a language other than the Japanese language, that does not oblige the Company to make any subsequent Notice, etc. in any language other than the Japanese language. In addition, in the event that the Company receives any Notice, etc. written in a language other than the Japanese language from a Member, the Company shall not be obliged to respond to the same, whether or not the Company in fact comprehends all or part of the substance of such Notice, etc. Those Members who do not understand the Japanese language must take measures to understand all Notice, etc. written in the Japanese language.
Supplementary Provisions (Established): These Terms of Use are established and enforced on and from March 13, 2023

Contact Information regarding these Terms of Use
NOA Official Fanclub「NOANA」
【Query Form】https://fc.dps.amuse.co.jp/noana/qa/contact
