
メールニュースを受信したいのですが、どうしたらいいですか?/I want to receive email news. How can I receive it?
会員限定サイト内「MY PAGE」の【ご登録情報確認・変更】ページより受信設定を行なって下さい。




Please set the email Reception Settings in the [Confirm/Change Registered Information] page from MY PAGE inside the special members-only website.
*Email news will not be sent with only a BROS.+ email registration. Please be sure to complete the email reception settings above if you want to receive email news.

▼Members with A!-ID integration
Please select “Change Fan Club’s Registered Information” and check the box “Receive” under [Email News from the Fan Club].

▼Members with no A!-ID integration
Please select “Change Email/Email News Settings” and check the box “Receive Using the Email Address.”

*Please be sure to set your email settings so that you can receive emails from [@amuse.co.jp].
