
神はサイコロを振らない オフィシャルファンクラブ 「KAMISAI Children MOBILE(月額)」会員規約


1.本「神はサイコロを振らない オフィシャルファンクラブ「KAMISAI Children MOBILE(月額)」会員規約」(以下「本規約」といいます。)は、株式会社アミューズ(以下「当社」といいます。)が神はサイコロを振らない(以下「当該アーティスト」といいます。)のアーティスト活動に関し提供する「KAMISAI Children MOBILE(月額)」(以下「本サービス」といいます。)を利用する方に適用されます。




1. 本サービスは、当社が制定する「 A!-IDサービス利用規約 」に基づき登録した電子メールアドレス(以下「A!-ID」といいます。)を当社所定の方法により登録しなければ、利用することはできません。なお、A!-IDの登録手数料は無料です。

(5) 申込者が実在しない場合又は実在が疑われる場合

3.会員登録は、1名の会員につき、1つの会員番号のみの取得となります(同一名義、他人名義又は虚偽名義を利用しての複数の会員登録はできません。)。なお、会員は、本サービスの利用に加えて「神はサイコロを振らない オフィシャルファンクラブ『KAMISAI Children(年額)』」への入会を申し込むことができます。


5.会員は、本サービスの利用にあたり、本サイト上に表示される所定の手続に従い、月額440円(税込) (以下「利用料金」といいます。)、並びに、会員特典としてチケットを購入する場合にはその購入代金、(支払いを要する場合には)当社が定める送料、各種手数料及びそれらに適用がある消費税相当額(以下、総称して合計した金額を「代金等」といいます。また、以下、利用料金と代金等を総称して「利用料金等」といいます。)を支払わなければなりません。また、利用者は、本サービスの利用にあたり、別途発生する通信料を含む一切の費用を負担しなければなりません。なお、会員資格の有効期限は、本サービスの利用申込日にかかわらず、本サイトにおいて表示される日までとします(すなわち、本サービスの利用申込日によっては、1ヶ月未満の期間について、「月額」である440円(税込)の利用料金が発生することになりますが、これについて会員は異議を述べることはできません。)。





10. 会員は、本サイト上で明示する会員特典を受けることができます。また、会員は、パソコン又はスマートフォン等インターネットを利用できる環境(以下「ネット環境」といいます。)を準備しなければ、会員特典の一部を受けられない場合があります。

11. 当社は、会員に対し、電子メール及び本サイト等により、必要な情報を表示して周知します。当社は、会員がネット環境を利用しないことによって、会員特典を受けられない場合又は情報伝達の遅れ等の不都合が生じた場合であっても、一切の責任を負いません。

12. チケットの会員先行受付は抽選によるものであり、会場やイベント内容によっては申込条件に制限があり、チケットを購入できない場合があること、また、良席をお約束するものではないこと並びに全ての公演及びイベントが会員先行受付の対象となるものではないことを会員は承諾したものとして扱われます。

13. 公演等の会場で当社又は当社が委託する者が、会員に対し会員証及び本人確認書類等の提示を求めることがあります。会員がこれに応じない場合や提示することができない場合又は登録名義と本人確認書類の名義が異なる場合には、入場をお断りし、公演会場より退出していただく場合があります。この場合、会員は代金等の払戻しやその他の賠償請求をすることはできません。

14. 会員が本サービスの利用(利用料金等の支払いを含みます。)に関し第三者(クレジットカード会社及び回収代行会社を含みます。)との間で別途締結した契約がある場合にはその規定に従い、当社は一切の責任を負いません。

15. 申込者が未成年者である場合には、入会を申し込むにあたり、親権者、後見人その他の利益保護者(以下「親権者等」といいます。)の同意を得なければならず、申込みをした時点で、当該申込者に適用がある法律に基づく親権者等の同意を得たものとして扱われます。この場合、かかる親権者等は、申込みをした時点で、本規約の内容及び本サービスの利用を同意したものとして扱われます。







2.当社は、会員が登録した個人情報を、当社がオフィシャルウェブサイトに掲載する「 プライバシーポリシー 」に従い、管理します。なお、会員が日本国外に所在する場合であっても同様とします。


(1)    有償であるか無償であるかを問わず、登録情報、会員特典その他の便益により得られたチケットの先行受付権や観覧応募権、チケット、グッズ、その他会員資格に基づいた権利をオークションに出品し、チケットショップなどの二次流通市場その他の場(SNS及びインターネット上のものを含みます。)で第三者に転売、譲渡、貸与し、もしくは質権その他の担保権を設定する行為及びそれらを買い受け、譲り受け、借り受け、もしくは質権その他の担保権の設定を受ける行為
(2)    登録情報の売買・譲渡、架空名義の使用、不正な名義変更及びこれらを第三者に使用させる行為
(3)    有償であるか無償であるかを問わず、また手段を問わず、登録情報を他人に開示もしくは提供させ又は他人に対しこれを開示もしくは提供する行為
(4)    第三者の登録情報を使用して自ら本サービスを利用する行為
(5)    有償であるか無償であるかを問わず、また手段を問わず、不特定又は多数の者に本サービスを利用させる行為
(6)    不特定又は多数の者に対する者であるかどうかにかかわらず、営利目的で本サービスを他人に利用させる行為
(7)    本サービスを利用してなされるあらゆる営業行為及びこれに準ずる行為並びに政治、宗教に関する行為
(8)    当該アーティストに関する著作、会員特典、オリジナルコンテンツ、本サイト上の音声、画像及び映像等の無断複製、無断転載及び無断再配布など当社に無断で利用することにより当社、当該アーティスト、当社の関係会社及びその取引先(以下、総称して「当社等」といいます。)の権利を侵害する行為
(9)    会員及び当社等の特許権、実用新案権、著作権、商標権、その他財産権、肖像権、パブリシティ権、プライバシー、名誉、信用及びその他一切の権利利益を侵害又は毀損する行為及び法令に違反する行為
(10) コンピューターウイルスや有害なプログラムを当社等又は本サイトに侵入させる行為
(11) 当該アーティストに対するつきまとい、当該アーティストに対し連絡や面会を要求する行為又は当社等に対し当該アーティストへの連絡や当該アーティストとの面会を申し入れる行為
(12) 当該アーティスト、当社等、第三者(他の会員を含みます。)を誹謗中傷し、その名誉、信用を毀損しもしくは不利益を与える行為又はその他の迷惑行為(インターネット、各種SNS等への書込みを含みます。)
(13) 当社等に対し不必要な問い合わせや要求を多数回にわたって繰り返す行為、その他当社による本サービスの提供に支障を生じさせ又は当社等の事業や運営を妨げる行為
(14) 本サービスを通じて入手した全てのデータ、情報、文章、音、映像、イラスト等について、著作権法で認められた私的使用の範囲を超えて、複製、販売、出版、頒布、譲渡、貸与、翻訳又は公衆送信等のために利用することにより権利を侵害する行為
(15) 当社等もしくは第三者(他の会員を含みます。)に対し、性的、わいせつ的、暴力的、侮辱的もしくは差別的な言動により不快の念を抱かせる行為又は公序良俗に違反する行為
(16) 本規約その他の当社が定める規約・注意事項等に違反する行為
(17) その他、当社が不適切であると判断する行為







(1)     当社は、本サービスの利用に関し、会員に生じた損害及び不利益について、当社の故意又は重過失により法令に基づき返還の責めを負う場合を除き、一切の責任を負いません。
(2)  当社が通知した申込期限のあるサービスを会員が当該期限までに申し込まなかった場合、当然に申込みにかかる権利は失効します(会員が当社からの通知を確認しないまま当該期限を過ぎた場合を含みます。)。
(3)  公演日が指定されたチケット等の送付物を会員の不在やネット環境等の理由で受け取らないまま公演日を過ぎた場合、チケット等にかかる権利は全て無効となり、また、支払済みの代金等は返還されません。
(4)  当社は、会員に起因する事由による本サービスの利用における障害について、一切の責任を負いません。
(5)  当社は、郵便局や各金融機関による手続の不備や事故について、一切の責任を負いません。
(6)  当社は、当該アーティストの活動状況その他の事情により、本サービスの提供を継続し難いと判断した場合には、本サービスの全部又は一部を当然に、かつ終了の理由にかかわらず何らの責任を負うことなく、終了することができます。この場合、当社は、会員に対し、本サイト等で表示して周知の上、会員から受領した利用料金については、当社の裁量により、本サービスの終了日から会員資格の有効期限に応じ、日割計算により未経過日数分の利用料金を返還するときがありますが、利用料金等を返還する義務を負うものではありません。
(7)  当社は、当社の故意又は重過失により法令に基づき賠償の責めを負う場合を除き、会員に対し、本サービスの利用に関連して会員に発生した損害、本サービスの提供に必要な設備又はシステムへの第三者による不正侵入、本サービスの一時停止もしくは利用制限、本規約の変更又は本規約もしくは本規約に基づく取引の解除により会員が被った損害、及び会員と第三者との間で生じたトラブルに起因して会員が被った損害に関し、いかなる責任も負いません。
(8)  当社は、自然災害、豪雨・豪雪、戦争、テロリズム、サイバーテロ、停電、コンピュータ又はネットワークにおけるバグの発生、感染症の蔓延、法令や規則等の新設もしくは改廃又は解釈の変更その他の当社が支配し得ない事由により本サービスを提供できなかった場合であっても、いかなる責任も負いません。







第11条 言語

1. 本規約の英語版が作成される場合、それはあくまでも参考訳として作成されます。日本語版と英語版の間に矛盾がある場合には、日本語版が優先します。また、当社が本規約の英語版を作成した事実が、本サービスについての他の書類の英語版を作成することを意味又は示唆するものではありません。


附則(制定) 本規約は2023年10月10日より制定施行します。

神はサイコロを振らない オフィシャルファンクラブ 「KAMISAI Children MOBILE(月額)」


Kami Wa Saikoro Wo Furanai - Official Fan Club「KAMISAI Children Mobile (Monthly Subscription)」 Membership Terms

Article 1              These Terms and Amendments to these Terms

1.These KAMISAI Children Mobile (Monthly Subscription) Membership Terms (these “Terms”) apply to users of KAMISAI Children Mobile (Monthly Subscription), which is provided by Amuse Inc. (the “Company”) in connection with the artistic activities of Kami Wa Saikoro Wo Furanai (the “Artist,” and that service, the “Service”).

2.The Service constitutes a “standard transaction” prescribed in Article 548-2, paragraph (1) of the Civil Code of Japan and these Terms constitutes a “standard form contract” prescribed in that paragraph.

3.The Company may revise these Terms without notice under the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code of Japan by making: (1) the fact that these Terms are to be revised, (2) the contents of these Terms after the revision, and (3) the timing of that revision taking effect known on the official website of the Service (the “Website”) or by indicating that by another method determined by the Company (collectively, the “Website, Etc.”); provided, however, that if any such revision will have a material adverse effect on the Members, the Company will give notice within a reasonable period in advance.

Article 2              Use of the Service

1.A Member may not use the Service without registering the e-mail address registered under the A!-ID Service Terms of Use established by the Company (“A!-ID”) by a method prescribed by the Company. There is no registration fee for an A!-ID.

2. “Member” as used in these Terms means an individual who has applied to use the Service in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company, and has been approved by the Company. The Company reserves the right to not give approval for an applicant for use of the Service (the “Applicant”) to use the Service or to revoke that approval even after the Company has approved the use of the Service and treated the Applicant as a Member if that Applicant falls under any of the following items.
(1)If the Applicant has made an application for the purpose of, reselling or transferring any right to apply for, a ticket prior to sale to the public, or spectator for events (including TV-shows) as granted under members’ benefits or other interest, any tickets, any goods, or any other rights based on the Member’s membership to a third party, or buying any of those from a third-party Member
(2)If it is suspected that the Applicant has made an application for the purpose of reselling or transferring any right to apply for, a ticket prior to sale to the public, or spectator for events (including TV-shows) as granted under members’ benefits or other interest, any tickets, any goods, or any other rights based on the Member’s membership to a third party by, for example, making multiple applications from the same address
(3)If the address of the Applicant is a business office of a corporation or an address of other organization
(4)If the Applicant belongs to an organized crime group, an enterprise or group related to an organized crime group, or another antisocial organization or if it is reasonably judged that the Applicant has a relationship with an organized crime group member or a person who has a close relationship with any such person
(5)If the Applicant does not exist or it is suspected the Applicant does not exist
(6)If the Applicant’s membership in another fan club operated by the Company is revoked or is subject to a disposition of removal due to a breach in the past by the Applicant of these Terms or any other agreement provided by the Company or a similar reason
(7)If there is any false statement, error, or omission in the contents of the membership application
(8)If it is reasonably judged that the Applicant is a person who is designated as being subject to economic sanctions by the Japanese government or a foreign government, a person who is a resident of a country or region that is designated as being subject to economic sanctions by the Japanese government or a foreign government, or a person who has a close relationship with any such person
(9)If the Company judges that the application by the User is otherwise inappropriate

3.Only one membership number may be obtained per Member (multiple memberships under the same name, another person’s name, or a false name are not allowed). In addition to using the Service, Members may apply to join the KAMISAI Children (Annual Subscription), the official fan club of Kami Wa Saikoro Wo Furanai.

4.A Member may use the registered A!-ID, password, membership, and rights under that membership and these Terms only for him or herself and may not use any of those rights on behalf of a third party, transfer any of those rights to a third party, create a security interest over those rights, or allow a third party to use or inherit those rights regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge.

5.When using the Service, each Member must pay, in accordance with the prescribed procedures indicated on the Website, a monthly fee of 440 yen (including tax) (the “Usage Fee”) and, if the Member purchases any tickets as a membership benefit, the purchase price of those tickets, and (if payment is necessary) any shipping charges specified by the Company, fees and charges, and an amount equivalent to consumption tax thereon (the “Purchase Price, Etc.,” and the Usage Fee and the Purchase Price, Etc., collectively, the “Usage Fee, Etc.”).   Further, each User must bear all expenses, including communications charges, that separately arise in the course of using the Service. The membership will expire on the date indicated on the Website, regardless of the date of application for use of the Service (meaning that, depending on the date of application for the Service, a full “monthly” fee of 440 yen (including tax) shall accrue as regards a period shorter than a full calendar month but Members shall not be entitled to object to that).

6.The Usage Fee, Etc. paid by a Member to the Company will not be refunded unless the Company is held liable for a refund under the law due to its willful misconduct or gross negligence.

7.Even if a Member makes a duplicate application for use of the Service or for renewal of his or her membership, the Usage Fee, Etc. paid by that Member will not be refunded.

8. Members must follow the procedures set out in item (1) below when applying for use of the Service. In addition, please refer to item (2) below for information on renewing or terminating membership. If a Member renews or terminates his or her membership, it will be deemed that that Member has given approval to be charged the Usage Fee twice for that month by a third party such as a credit card company or a collection agency for carrier billing unless that Member carries out procedures to change the payment method or changes the procedures to renew or terminate his or her membership by a method prescribed by the Company.
(1)When applying to use the Service, complete the procedures in accordance with the procedures specified on the Website In that case, the obligation to pay the Usage Fee in a manner prescribed by the Company will be determined upon completion of those procedures, and no cancellation of the application for use will be allowed after that time and the above binding obligation will not be extinguished even if the application for use is subsequently withdrawn.
(2)If a Member does not carry out termination procedures by a method prescribed by the Company on the Website on or before the expiration date of his or her membership, that membership will be renewed and the Member’s obligation to pay the monthly Usage Fee in a manner prescribed by the Company will be determined and no cancellation of renewal will be allowed after that time and the above binding obligation will not be extinguished even if the membership renewal is subsequently withdrawn.

9.After the obligation to pay the Usage Fee has been determined in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Member must pay that fee by the date prescribed by the Company, and if that payment is not made in a manner prescribed by the Company, the membership will not be granted or renewed.

10.Each Member is entitled to the benefits of membership, which are clearly indicated on the Website. Further, a Member might not be able to receive some of the membership benefits if that Member does not have access to an Internet-enabled environment such as a computer or smartphone (“Internet Environment”).

11.The Company will display necessary information and make that known to the Members by e-mail and through the Website, Etc. The Company is not liable for any inconvenience, such as an inability to receive membership privileges or a delay in the transmission of information, caused by a Member’s failure to use an Internet Environment.

12.Each Member will be treated as having acknowledged that advance ticket applications are conducted by lottery, that there are restrictions on application conditions depending on the venue and event, that tickets might not be available for purchase, that good seats are not guaranteed, and that not all performances and events are subject to advance ticket applications for Members.

13.The Company or its agent might ask Members to present their membership cards and identify verification documents at the venue of a performance or other event. If a Member refuses to or is unable to present any of those documents or if the registered name and the name on the identification verification document are different, the Member might be denied admission and be asked to leave the venue. In that case, the Member will not be entitled to a refund of the Purchase Price, Etc. or any other compensation.

14.If there is a separate agreement between a Member and a third party (including a credit card company or a collection agency) regarding the use of the Service (including payment of the Usage Fee, Etc.), the Member shall follow the provisions of that agreement and the Company will not be liable in any way for that agreement.

15.If an applicant is a minor, the consent of a custodian of his or her interests such as a person with parental authority or a guardian (“Person With Parental Authority”) is required when that applicant applies for membership, and it will be deemed that the consent of a Person With Parental Authority under the laws applicable to that applicant has been obtained at the time of the application. In that case, the Person With Parental Authority will be deemed to have consented to the contents of these Terms and the use of the Service at the time of the application.

Article 3              Obligations of Members

1.If there is any change to a Member’s name, A!-ID, password, or other registered information (simply, “Registered Information”), that Member must promptly follow the procedures on the Website designated by the Company or notify the Company of that change. Please note that changes to a Member’s “date of birth” or “name (excluding surname)” will not be accepted for any reason. The Company will not be liable for any disadvantage suffered by a Member such as if that Member fails to receive a notice from the Company or loses his or her membership privileges or an opportunity to receive other services as a result of a failure by that Member to change his or her Registered Information. All communications to the Company must be made to the contact person designated in these Terms.

2.The Company will not be liable whatsoever for any delay in procedures or payments by an Applicant or a Member after the prescribed date for the granting of membership benefits has passed.

3.Each Member must manage the Registered Information at his or her own responsibility. Use of the Service using Registered Information will be treated as use of the Service by the Member who has registered that Registered Information. The Company is not responsible for the management and use of Registered Information by Members.

4.The Company is not liable for any damage suffered by a Member due to the use of Registered Information by a third party, regardless of whether that damage is due to willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Member.

Article 4              Handling of Personal Information

1.The Company might disclose personal information to a cooperation partner, business partner, or subcontractor that has executed a confidentiality agreement with the Company (including a collection agent) in order to implement a purpose clearly indicated to the Member (including shipping operations, inquiries to settlement credit card companies, and receiving tickets).

2.Personal information registered by each Member is managed by the Company in accordance with the Amuse Privacy Policy posted on the official website. The same applies even if the Member is located outside of Japan.

Article 5              Prohibited Acts

The Members may not engage in any of the following acts or any act that is likely to constitute any of the following.
(1)Auctioning Registered Information, any right to apply for, a ticket prior to sale to the public, or spectator for events (including TV-shows) as granted under membership benefits or other interest, any tickets, goods, or any other rights based on the membership, whether for a fee or free of charge, or reselling any of those at a ticket shop or secondary distribution market or another market (including those in social media and on the Internet) to a third party, or buying, assigning, lending or borrowing, or creating or receiving a pledge or other security interest on any of those
(2)Selling, buying, or assigning any Registered Information, using a fictitious name, changing his or her name illegally, or allowing a third party to use the Registered Information
(3)Allowing Registered Information to be disclosed or provided to another person or disclosing or providing that information to another person regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge and regardless of the means by which that information is disclosed or provided
(4)Using the Service by using a third party’s Registered Information
(5)Allowing unspecified or many people to use the Service, regardless of whether that is for a fee or without charge, and regardless of the means by which that is allowed
(6)Allowing another person to use the Service for profit, regardless of whether that is for unspecified or many people
(7)Conducting any business activity and any similar activity, as well as political and religious activities, through the use of the Service
(8)Conducting any act that infringes on the rights of the Company, the Artist, or an affiliate or other business partner of the Company (collectively, the “Company, Etc.”) by reproducing, reprinting, redistributing, or otherwise using without the authorization of the Company any work, membership benefits, or original content related to the Artist or any audio, image, or video on the Website related to the Artist
(9)Conducting an act that infringes on or damages a patent right, utility model right, copyright, trademark, other property right, likeness right, publicity right, privacy, reputation, credibility, or other right or interest of a Member, the Company, Etc. or conducting any act that violates laws or regulations
(10)Conducting an act that allows a computer virus or other harmful program to infect the Company, Etc. or the Website
(11)Stalking the Artist, demanding to contact or meet the Artist, or requesting the Company, Etc. to contact or meet the Artist
(12)Slandering or defaming the Artist, the Company, Etc., or a third party (including another Member), conducting an act that damages the reputation or credibility of any such person or disadvantages any such person, or conducting any other act that disturbs any such person (including posting on the Internet or social media, etc.)
(13)Making repeated inquiries or requests to the Company, Etc. that are unnecessary or have already been answered on numerous occasions and conducting an act that interferes with the provision of the Service by the Company or interferes with the business or operations of the Company, Etc.
(14)Conducting an act that infringes on rights by using any data, information, text, sound, images, illustrations, etc. obtained through the Service for reproduction, sale, publication, distribution, assignment, loan, translation, or public transmission beyond the scope of private use permitted by the Copyright Act
(15)Conducting any act that constitutes sexual, obscene, violent, insulting, or discriminatory speech or behavior or is otherwise offensive towards the Company, Etc. or a third party (including another Member) or that violates public policy
(16)Conducting any other act that is in violation of these Terms or any other rules or precautions stipulated by the Company
(17)Conducting any other act that the Company considers inappropriate

Article 6              Termination of Membership

1. The Company may terminate a Member’s membership if that Member falls under any of the following items or if the Company determines that that Member falls under any of the following items.
(1)If a Member falls under Article 2.9, that Member’s membership will be automatically terminated.
(2)If it is found that there is false information in that Member’s Registered Information
(3)If it is determined that that Member has been withdrawn from any services provided by the Company in the past
(4)If that Member commits any of the prohibited acts described in the preceding Article or violates these Terms, etc.
(5)In any other case where the Company deems that that termination is appropriate

2.  If a Member loses his or her membership, the Usage Fee, Etc. paid by the Member will not be refunded, except in the case where the Company is legally liable for refund due to willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 7              Suspension and Discontinuance of the Service

The Company reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the Service without notice in the case of system maintenance or due to unforeseen circumstances such as a natural disaster or power failure.

Article 8              Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

(1)The Company is not liable for any damage or disadvantage incurred by a Member in connection with the use of the Service, except in the case where the Company is legally liable for refund due to willful misconduct or gross negligence.
(2)If a Member fails to apply for a service for which the application deadline has been notified by the Company by that deadline, that Member’s right to make that application will be automatically forfeited (including if the Member has not confirmed the notification from the Company by that deadline).
(3)If a ticket or other item sent by post with a specified performance date is not received by the Member by the performance date because that Member is absent, due to his or her Internet Environment or for another reason, all rights to the ticket or other item will become void, and the Purchase Price, Etc. that has been paid will not be refunded. 
(4)The Company is not liable for any failure in the use of the Service due to a reason attributable to a Member.
(5)The Company is not liable for any inadequate procedures or accident by the post office or a financial institution.
(6)If the Company judges that it is difficult to continue the provision of the Service due to the activities of the Artist or other circumstances, the Company may automatically terminate the Service, in whole or in part, without any liability regardless of the reason for termination. In such case, the Company shall indicate on the Website, Etc. to that effect and, if it so decides at its discretion, may refund the amount of the Usage Fee in proportion to the number of days within the Membership period that have elapsed and the number of those that have not elapsed before the date of the termination of the Service but such refund shall be solely based on the Company’s discretion and the Members shall not be entitled to the same.
(7)The Company will not be liable to the Member with respect to any damage incurred by the Member in connection with the use of the Service, damage suffered by the Member due to unauthorized access by a third party to any equipment or system necessary for the provision of the Service, the temporary suspension or a restriction on use of the Service, or an amendment to these Terms or cancellation of these Terms or transactions under these Terms, or damage suffered by the Member due to a dispute between the Member and a third party, except in the case where the Company is legally liable due to willful misconduct or gross negligence.
(8) The Company will not be liable even if it becomes impossible to provide the Service due to a natural disaster, heavy rainfall or heavy snowfall, war, terrorism, cyber terrorism, power failure, bug in a computer or network, spread of an infectious disease, establishment, revision, or abolition of any law or regulation, change in interpretation of any law or regulation, or any other event that is beyond the control of the Company.

2.If the Company is liable to the Member for damages in connection with the Service, the total amount of the liability owed by the Company and relevant persons of the Company will be limited to 100% of the total amount paid directly to the Company by the Member, except in the case where the Company is legally liable due to willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 9              Damages

1.If a Member causes damage to the Company or a third party in connection with the use of the Service, that Member will be liable for damages, except in the case where the Company is legally liable due to willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

2.If a Member receives a complaint or claim from another Member or a third party in connection with the use of the Service or a dispute arises with a third party, that Member must resolve that matter at his or her own responsibility and expense.

Article 10            Resolution of Disputes

These Terms and the use of the Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan in priority to all applicable principles of conflict of laws. The parties agree that the Tokyo District Court has exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance with respect to any dispute regarding these Terms or the Service.

Article 11            Language

1.If an English version of these Terms is prepared, that will be prepared as a reference translation only. If there is any discrepancy between the Japanese version and the English version, the Japanese version will prevail. The fact that the Company has prepared an English version of these Terms does not mean or imply that the Company will prepare English versions of other documents regarding the Service.

2. The Company is not obligated to provide any notices, documents, notifications, announcements, guides, warnings, public announcements, or terms and conditions (collectively, “Notices”) regarding the Service in any language other than Japanese. Even if the Company, at its discretion, provides a Notice in a language other than Japanese, it will not be obligated to provide subsequent Notices in a language other than Japanese. In addition, if the Company receives a Notice from a Member in a language other than Japanese, the Company will not be obligated to respond to that Notice, regardless of whether the Company has understood the content of that Notice. Members who do not understand Japanese must ensure that they have a way to understand Notices whose original language is Japanese.

Supplementary Provisions (Establishment): These Terms are established and enforced on and from October 10, 2023

Contact information as specified in these Terms
Kami Wa Saikoro Wo Furanai Official Fan Club - KAMISAI Children Mobile (Monthly Subscription)
[Inquiry Form] https://fc.dps.amuse.co.jp/kamichilmobile/qa/contact